Collier's Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘heating repair’

This Isn’t a Good Sign for Your HVAC System

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

There are HVAC problems, and then there are more serious HVAC problems that can point to major issues happening inside a heating or cooling system. If you have skyrocketing energy costs, it’s a big red flag that something is wrong with your home’s HVAC system. It’s time to schedule HVAC service in Decatur, IN.

Of course, you do have a variety of different appliances and technology using energy in your home. But your HVAC system is arguably one of the largest things consuming energy. You can keep reading to learn more about why high energy costs can indicate problems for your HVAC system and what to do about it.

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What to Do if Your Heat Pump Doesn’t Switch Modes

Monday, December 25th, 2023

Winter is officially in full swing, and temperatures are getting colder and colder. If you have a heat pump, you want to make sure that it is working well as a heater before temperatures drop even more. But if your heat pump is stuck in cooling mode and won’t switch over for heating, that’s a problem.

It means you need to schedule a heat pump service in Huntington, IN. Give our team a call and we can help troubleshoot a stuck reversing valve on your heat pump. You can keep reading to learn more about why your heat pump might be stuck in one mode, and what we can do about it.

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3 Reasons Why Your Gas Furnace Can Operate Safely

Monday, January 9th, 2023

Gas furnaces are as safe as they come. No, seriously!

People sometimes have a misconception about these systems. They burn gas so, therefore, they can endanger your home with carbon monoxide or noxious fumes.

And while yes, they can endanger your family, that’s extremely rare. And even with the most simple protection, like carbon monoxide detectors in your home, you’ll be able to avoid this result in the future.

In truth, gas furnaces can become harmful due to neglect and the failure of some pretty serious components that are supported by safeguards. Things like the heat exchanger and the flame sensor are going to be there 24/7 to make sure that nothing endangers your family.

But that’s why it’s so important to invest in maintenance and heating repair in Huntington, IN. We’ll talk about what your gas furnace can do to keep your home safe, and why getting those components fixed is a top priority.

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Is a Heating System Too Complicated for DIY Repairs?

Monday, November 15th, 2021

This is a difficult question but one that we hope to answer fully in this blog post. The truth is that yes, heating systems are too complex these days for average homeowners to try and make DIY repairs on, regardless of how handy they might be. Back 40 years ago it might make sense that simple heating systems could be fixed by a handy homeowner and a manual, but these days things are a lot more complicated due to a few reasons.

From energy efficiency to the newer technology that we utilize to more precisely control our comfort, heating repair in New Haven, IN is now a service that needs to be done by professionals. Without professional service, you could risk voiding your expensive warranty, damaging your system, or even causing a full heater breakdown due to just bumping an extremely sensitive component.

Let’s talk about why heating systems are more complicated than they used to be.

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What’s Wrong With Your Furnace?

Monday, November 1st, 2021

It’s that time of year where air conditioners slowly wane out of conversation and the new hot topic to talk about is furnaces. Gas furnaces are the most common way to heat a home in the United States, and in the last few years they’ve only gotten more popular and efficient. New technological strides and the movement away from oil heating has given gas furnaces the prominence as the top contender for the heating system of the year.

However, you might not be like other homeowners who are excited to turn on their systems and feel the cozy warmth coming from the vents. There could be something wrong with your heating system that is cause for concern. Don’t worry, our team specializes in heating repair in Fort Wayne, IN. We might not be able to tell you exactly what’s wrong with your system from our online blog, but we can start the path towards fixing the issue here.

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3 Great Things About Our HomeSavers Club

Monday, April 5th, 2021

Let’s be honest, savings and HVAC contractor aren’t two phrases that homeowners use together very often. People tend to think of HVAC service as a heavy expense, where it either costs a lot, or costs a little bit less than a lot. HVAC systems are expensive, and the cost of heating or cooling your entire home can be great, but that doesn’t mean you can’t save enough money to spend elsewhere in your life.

That’s why we invented the HomeSavers Club. Our vision was to make experiences like heating repair in Fort Wayne, IN cost less and also net you some pretty big bonuses as long as you were a part of our club. It’s an agreement, a commitment to better HVAC care and savings in the future.

We’re going to focus on three aspects of our HomeSavers Club. Hopefully, these can show you just how impressive our membership services are.

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What’s Wrong with Your Heat Pump

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

Heat pumps are amazing. Who would have thought thirty years ago that we would use refrigeration technology to keep our homes comfortable for the entire year? Being able to move heat from one location to another isn’t just nice for keeping our food cold, it’s also a great method for keeping our homes warm in the winter. If you haven’t looked into heat pump technology, we highly advise you do so, since they’re becoming much more than just an alternative way of heating a home.

However, heat pumps aren’t removed from having their own set of problems. A heat pump can require specialized heating repair in Churubusco, IN when it runs into its own problems. Keep reading as we get into what some of these problems are and why homeowners are choosing our team of heat pump experts to provide the care they need!

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Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cool Air?

Monday, February 8th, 2021

cold-coupleIt’s one of the most frustrating realizations that you’ll ever have. You notice that you’re not as comfortable as you’d expect in your home. So you walk over the to the thermostat, but stop halfway there. You just passed a vent and—there’s cold air coming out of it! What the heck? Your heater is running! And the air is cool! What gives?

The good news is that this doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a serious problem at play.

The bad news is that there could be a serious problem at play.

In today’s post, we’re going to cover some of the possible causes of this issue that you can resolve on your own. We’ll also cover the warning signs that it is, in fact, time to call in a heating professional. So read on, and be sure to let the pros on our team know if there are any problems with your home heating in Bluffton, IN.

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3 Warning Signs That Your Furnace Is In Trouble

Monday, January 25th, 2021

furnaceInvesting in a great furnace, have it installed by qualified pros like us, and schedule routine maintenance. That’s all you need to enjoy the best heating experience possible.

Unfortunately, even the best heating experience is not a perfect heating experience. You are going to need furnace repairs in Fort Wayne, IN, at some point. Doing the above will keep those repair needs to a bare minimum, but even so—they’re coming eventually.

Staying out ahead of repair needs and contacting us for service at the first sign of trouble is definitely in your best interest. That also requires knowing some early warning signs to look for, though.  Keep these tips in mind, and reach out if you have any concerns at all about your furnace.

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4 Ways a Heater Tells You It Needs Repairs

Monday, January 11th, 2021

gas-jetsYou spent good money on your home heating system. You hired professionals to install it. And you’re smart enough to have enrolled in our HomeSaver’s Club, too. So your heater should be pretty much invincible, right?

Unfortunately, no.

Don’t get us wrong. Investing in a good system, having it professionally installed, and enrolling in a good maintenance plan will ensure you get the most reliable performance possible from your heater. However, never needing heating repairs in Fort Wayne, IN, simply is not possible. Even the best heaters serviced by the best technicians run into trouble here and there.

And that’s why we want to share some common warning signs with you today. Prompt repairs are always in your best interest.

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