Collier's Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air conditioning repair’

AC Repair: When It’s Too Expensive

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

As summer temperatures soar, the reliability of your air conditioning system becomes crucial for maintaining a comfortable home environment. When your AC unit breaks down, you’re faced with a critical decision: should you invest in repairs or replace the entire system? This blog post will guide you on where to draw the line between air conditioning repair in Decatur, IN, and a full system replacement, ensuring you make the most cost-effective choice during those sweltering summer months.

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What Does Your AC’s Compressor Do?

Monday, May 16th, 2022

If you’ve recently encountered a compressor problem, then you’ve likely been searching all over the web for an explanation on this component. While that information might be easy to find, the steps you might need to take to help fix your compressor are a different story entirely. Thankfully, our team can explain to you the importance of this component and what needs to be done if it encounters a problem–all in one blog post!

Regardless of the type of problem, we recommend you call our team for air conditioning repair in Monroeville, IN. We can easily repair your air conditioner at an affordable cost to you. For now, let’s talk about what exactly this component does for your cooling system, and why it can be such a huge hiccup when this component runs into problems.

Let’s discover the importance of your AC’s compressor!

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Preparing for the Summer Heat

Monday, June 28th, 2021

We’ve got record-breaking temperatures on their way this summer, and it’s no mystery that we’re trying to get every homeowner in our area ready for them. Sure, you could just flip the switch on your air conditioner and hope for the best, but sometimes that’s not good enough. Let’s avoid that worst-case scenario of dealing with uncomfortable temperatures on the hottest day of the year.

The truth of the matter is that air conditioning involves more than just your AC system itself. There are other factors to consider and they all can contribute to the temperature of your indoor air. Eventually, when these scorching hot temperatures hit our area, we’ll be ready.

Just remember that none of these tips or fixes can replace actual professional air conditioning repair in Huntertown, IN. When you need serious help, our team should be the first one you call!

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3 Reasons Your AC Keeps Shutting Down too Soon

Monday, August 24th, 2020

ac-repair-manNobody wants to deal with a broken down air conditioner when things start to heat up outside. What too many people do seem comfortable dealing with, however, is an air conditioner that may not be totally broken down, but which definitely is not working properly. That’s the case with a short cycling air conditioner. And make no mistake. Ignore the problem long enough, and a breakdown is likely in your future.

Today, we’re not only going to talk about what short cycling is. We’re going to talk about what causes it. Why? Because, in some cases, it’s a simple matter of user error. Others will require professional air conditioning repairs in Fort Wayne, IN. Either way,  it is always good to have an idea of what you’re up against. Read on, and stop putting up with short cycling from your AC!

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5 Reasons You’re Paying too Much for Cooling

Monday, August 10th, 2020

service-reminderNobody wants to be uncomfortable in their own home. But nobody wants to drain their budget just to keep their home comfortable, either. So, it’s a real problem when homeowners are forced to choose to between high energy bills and effective cooling. The good news is that the problem is definitely one with a solution. And no, we’re not going to tell you that you need to replace your entire air conditioning system. Thought that could definitely help boost efficiency in many cases.

Regardless, there are plenty of ways that you may cut down on energy costs without sacrificing your comfort. In many cases, the answer is as simple as dialing our number. If your dissatisfied with your air conditioner in Fort Wayne, IN, we’re the pros to call. Not only can we diagnose and fix existing problems. We can also help to avoid future problems from developing. So keep these tips in mind, and stop paying too much for the comfort you deserve!

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Why You Need to Repair Your AC at the First Sign of Trouble!

Monday, June 1st, 2020

AC-repairAnd by “repair your AC…” we mean you need to call us for the job! All too often, homeowners convince themselves that they don’t really need to have their ACs professionally repaired just yet. After all, it is still up and running. And it’s still cooling the house. Sort of. Not great. But it’s still running. If you start thinking that way, remember that you deserve better—and so does your AC! There is never a situation where waiting it out will benefit you.

Today, we are going to take a look at some of the ways that scheduling AC repairs in Fort Wayne, IN immediately will benefit you and your air conditioning system. There are short term and long term benefits to consider. Just keep in mind that you’ll only reap those benefits if you leave your AC repairs to trained professionals. Even the best systems are going to require repairs from time to time, and working with great technicians is a must.

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Short Cycling?

Monday, October 7th, 2019

woman-on-couch-with-fanNot sure what we mean by “short cycling?” Well, short cycling is a very common problem that homeowners encounter with their air conditioning in Fort Wayne, IN, and the fact that you don’t know it by name does not mean that you’ve never dealt with—or are not currently dealing with—the problem! Short cycling is one of those issues that actually is quite serious, but which doesn’t result in the immediate breakdown of HVAC equipment.

Given the opportunity, however, short cycling can definitely wind up damaging your air conditioner system or heater—perhaps even irrevocably. So keep the following information in mind, and be sure to let a member of our team know if you’re concerned about short cycling with your air conditioner. The issue may actually have a very simple fix, but it could also be quite serious. That means that you need to take short cycling seriously every time, and not just hope for the best.

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Do I Have a Refrigerant Leak?

Monday, July 29th, 2019

man-desk-fanIf there is one problem that homeowners really don’t want to encounter with their air conditioning systems, it is the refrigerant leak. Of course, not every homeowner is aware of this! Considering just how vital a role refrigerant plays in your air conditioning system, it should go without saying that a refrigerant leak is a major point of concern. Not sure precisely what we’re talking about? That’s fine, because it’s the focus of today’s post!

Before we go any further, let us clarify that we are not out to alarm you for no reason. Just because you experience some of the symptoms that we mention in this post does not mean that you definitely have a refrigerant leak—and that’s precisely the point. It takes a trained professional not just to resolve refrigerant leak issues, but to diagnose them accurately to begin with. When it comes to problems with air conditioning in Fort Wayne, IN, ours is the team that you want to work with.

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It’s Time for Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, June 17th, 2019

AC-unitAt some point, you are going to need professional air conditioning repair in Fort Wayne, IN. When that time comes, you want to work with skilled professionals that will get the job done right the first time, every time. That is why you want to schedule your AC repairs with us. Given that, we do understand that you want to keep your repairs as minor and infrequent as possible. The key to this is scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance.

The benefits of regular, professional air conditioning maintenance cannot be overstated. In today’s post, we are going to cover why it is that you absolutely owe it to yourself and to your AC to schedule maintenance with our team. Our HomeSaver’s Club makes maintenance even easier and even more beneficial than you’d imagined.  So read on, and remember that you rely on your AC way too much to take any chances with its condition or overall performance quality.

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The Proper Way to Size an Air Conditioner

Monday, August 27th, 2018

blue-question-markBefore the 1980s, the general philosophy about air conditioning was pretty simple: Bigger is better.

At the time, it made sense. The air conditioner that cools your home down the fastest is the winner. Nowadays, we understand that this is an expensive way to operate an air conditioner (and it was none other than the homeowner who had to foot the bill).

Air conditioners in the present day are all about efficiency—cooling down the home at the most reasonable rate while using the least amount of energy. However, this is only possible when the air conditioner is sized properly.

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