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3 Things to Look for in a Commercial HVAC Company

commercial-air-conditioning-officeImagine if you treated your business like your home. You’d leave dirty clothes on the floor, you’d turn the music up loud, and if you really felt like it, you could even walk around in your underwear.

Okay… It’s safe to say there’s a reason why we don’t treat our businesses like our homes.

So why would you expect an HVAC company to do the same? There are fundamental differences in the way that a commercial HVAC contractor approaches your business that a residential-only HVAC contractor just wouldn’t understand.

In this brief post, we’ll explain three qualities that you should look for when considering commercial AC services in Fort Wayne.

Understanding your business before installation or repairs

A large part of commercial HVAC installation is understanding the structure of your business’s space. For example, a building with multiple floors will need a particular setup to ensure cool air is distributed equally throughout the building. At the same time, you wouldn’t use this configuration at an office with just a couple rooms.

But just knowing the building isn’t enough. A good commercial HVAC service should also be asking you about your business. If it requires high-tech computer hardware like server rooms, then they should be designing your AC system with these things in mind. Devices like these are crucial to your company and can become damaged if overheated.

In these cases, the right setup isn’t just convenient—it’s crucial for your business. If this isn’t on your mind when talking to a commercial HVAC contractor, then at the very least they should be asking these questions for you.

An emphasis on indoor air quality solutions

Indoor air quality might sound like some kind of environmental fad, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. IAQ is the measure of pollutants inside your building, and keeping it high is crucial in keeping you, your employees, and customers safe. You’ll want to work with an HVAC service with products to combat the effects of low IAQ.

One example is dust and dirt. When left unchecked, they won’t just leave your business looking unclean—it can increase the risk of illness and endanger the health of your employees. Humidity and dry air are also examples of indoor air quality, and they can just as easily affect the health of your employees and customers. Both have solutions that a commercial HVAC contractor can introduce to you.

A fast-responding, 24/7 emergency service

When AC breaks down for a homeowner, they have options, like staying at a friend’s house or just choosing to suffer in the heat. When AC breaks down for a business, you can’t just put it off—the livelihood of your business depends on it.

A broken AC is a burden on both your employees and your customers. Productivity and morale will sink rapidly, and customers might easily turn around and go somewhere else.

Luckily, a good commercial HVAC service will understand. Since they’re willing to work 24/7, you can even schedule an appointment outside of your normal business hours for your convenience.

Contact Collier’s Comfort Services Inc. today! True Comfort, True Savings.

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