Collier's Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘furnace repairs’

Why Furnace Cleanings Are Necessary

Monday, October 18th, 2021

One huge part of furnace maintenance inspections is the cleaning and adjusting of the system. Over time, a furnace system can get dirty or backed up with soot and grime that will ultimately inhibit the efficiency and efficacy of the equipment. This can be fixed with routine maintenance, or more specifically, with routine system cleaning.

We’re not just talking about cleaning the outside of your furnace and making it aesthetically pleasing. We’re talking about cleaning the interior components and improving the safety as well as the functionality of the system. Furnace cleanings as well as furnace repairs in Fort Wayne, IN are essential in keeping your heating system safe and effective.

Today, we’re going to talk about some common problems that can crop up with a dirty furnace. We’ll discuss why maintenance and targeted repairs are such great solutions for a furnace that’s getting dirty.

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Common Furnace Problems That Will Ruin Your Comfort

Monday, October 8th, 2018

technician-inspecting-furnaceAs temperatures continue dropping in Indiana, many homeowners may wonder if their furnace will last them for the whole season. After all, it’s been nearly half a year since they started using their heaters consistently again, so we understand the concern.

We don’t recommend gambling on it, though! A quick maintenance check can easily uncover some hidden issues, many of which aren’t listed in this article. As for some of the more obvious signs that you can look into right now, you can look for:

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