Collier's Comfort Blog: Archive for May, 2019

Want to Avoid AC Troubles? Here’s What NOT to Do

Monday, May 20th, 2019


There’s no shortage of air conditioners questions about what should be done to lower cooling bills, to prevent repairs, and to ensure that it lasts for years and years.

But sometimes, the best way to answer a question is by saying what you shouldn’t do. In this post, we’ll do just that by telling you what not to do to avoid AC problems.

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What Does it Mean to Size an HVAC System?

Monday, May 6th, 2019

technicianWhen you hear HVAC technicians refer to “sizing” an air conditioner or heater, they’re not talking about how the unit will fit inside of your home. While that’s certainly part of their expertise and something they should take great care in doing, what this terminology actually refers to is the unit’s output.

It’s going to take a very particular amount of power to sufficiently warm or cool your home. Too much power is bad, and so is too little. We’ll explain the specifics down below, as well as what your options are if your system turns out to be the wrong size.

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